In 2016, Dr. Michael A. Schmidt coauthored “Metabolomics Enables Precision Medicine:  A White Paper, Community Perspective.”  This was part of the precision medicine initiative of the Metabolomics Society’s Precision Medicine & Pharmacometabolomics Task Group.  The paper was focused on the manner in which metabolomics can be used as an investigative tool in the development of precision medicine research (also often called personalized medicine) and as a clinical tool in the application of precision medicine.  The paper also emphasized the linkage between genomics and metabolomics, and how each discipline heavily informs the other.

On February 20, 2017 it was announced that “Metabolomics Enables Precision Medicine” won the 2017 award for Best Review Paper in Metabolomics. 

The Sovaris team was asked to design the cover art for the original 2016 issue of Metabolomics in which the paper appeared (cover art above).  The Sovaris team was also asked to design the cover art for the 2017 Metabolomics Best Review award issue (June 2017; cover art below).


About the Cover Image:

Astronomers have used technology, pattern analysis, and knowledge development to describe the human within its world.  In Metabolomics-enabled precision medicine, we use technology, pattern analysis, and knowledge development to describe the world within the human.  Today, we stand before an expanding universe of grand ideas.  As we gaze into the complexity of human biology in new ways, a previously unseen order begins to emerge.  This advancing ability to detect patterns, to see with new eyes, has given birth to a new era of precision and invites the next generation of scientist-physicians to look beyond limits.

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