Space Biomedicine and Countermeasures

Sovaris Aerospace is focused on space biomedicine and space biotechnology, with an emphasis on translating these discoveries to human medicine.We are actively engaged with NASA’s suborbital and deep space efforts, as well as in the commercial space flight sector, with a current strong emphasis on human factors related to suborbital space flight.

Our current efforts center on direct electrophysiological and molecular monitoring of humans under simulated or actual space conditions. We also use a human surrogate platform (a 3D tissue ‘Omics Platform), which is focused on the study of various 3-dimensional human tissue models, coupled with genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Sovaris’ metabolomics efforts are aimed at non-targeted analysis of small molecules, in an effort to better understand metabolic networks associated with human responses in the space environment. Sovaris also utilizes a SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) profile that is focused on human performance and human tolerance in the space environment.

Our neuroelectrophysiology efforts are aimed at better understanding central and autonomic regulation, using neuroelectrophysiologic technology. These efforts are focused on sorting out the complexity of human responses under extreme conditions, such as spaceflight, and developing measures that allow humans to better tolerate such conditions.

Sovaris is also involved in bioinformatics efforts aimed at capturing human physiological data from suborbital space flights and development of database infrastructure needed to mine that data in order to better understand human tolerance and human performance. The unique computer programming language offered by Sovaris and its partners, also allows us support reducing complexity in aerospace applications beyond the area of human factors.

Translation to Human Medicine

One goal of our efforts is to translate what we learn from the challenging conditions of spaceflight into advanced diagnostic and treatment methods in human medicine. Through our space biomedicine, biotechnology, and electrophysiological applications programs, we aim to develop a deeper understanding of mechanisms involved in disease processes. This understanding is expected to lead to advanced technologies that can be applied to earthbound systems. Specific areas of discovery related to mechanisms in human medicine include, but are not limited to human host-microbe interactions, immunity, cancer, viral infectivity, bacterial virulence, muscle and bone metabolism, neurophysiology, and radiation effects.


A central goal of Sovaris is to support science education at the middle school, high school, undergraduate, graduate levels, and postgraduate levels. We are actively involved in a series of educational and training initiatives at a range of academic levels.